Litopys UPA

The website of the chronicles of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army

Book 33. Volodymyr Chorna – “Maievyi”. Memoirs of AN UPA Soldier from Lubachiv Region

Editor in Chief P.J. Potichnyj
Co-editor in Chief I. Homziak
Editor YE. Lun'o
Publication Year 2016
ISBN (Canada) 978-1-897431-71-9
ISBN (Ukraine) 978-966-2105-64-3
Pages Count 128
Hard Copy Price $10 USD

In his memoirs Volodymyr Chorna (“Maievyi”) relates his experiences in the UPA company “Mesnyky-1” commanded by Ivan Shymanskyi (“Shum”) that operated in Liubachiv region. From the perspective of some fifty years, he presents the most important combat events of this company, and especially of his platoon during the raid to Western Europe. The author describes, in a colorful fashion, the characters of the insurgents in his unit in various daily and combat situations. The book is a valuable example of the underground narrative. Toronto-Lviv, 2016. Soft cover: 128 pp. Illustrations.