Litopys UPA

The website of the chronicles of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army

Book 14. Oleksandr Ishchuk, Natalia Nikolaieva. Yaroslav Bohdan – «Vsevolod Ramzenko»

Editor in Chief P.J. Potichnyj
Sponsors Marian Shtyka
Publication Year 2011
ISBN (Canada) 978-1-897431-29-0
ISBN (Ukraine) 978-966-2105-28-5
Pages Count 128
Hard Copy Price $10 USD

The book outlines the life and creative work of the well known underground publicist and leading OUN activist Yaroslav Bohdan – «Vsevolod Ramzenko» (1915-1953). The newly revealed documents from the Archive of the Security Service of Ukraine are used to recreate the main stages of his life and to analyse the subjects of his basic works. Toronto-Lviv, 2011. Soft cover: 128 pp. Illustrations. This book was funded by MARIAN SHTYKA from Oakville, ON, Canada.