Litopys UPA

The website of the chronicles of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army

Volume 23. Zolochiv Okruha OUN: Documents and Materials of the Underground Security Service (SB). 1944­-1951

Editor in Chief P.J. Potichnyj
Editor(s) M. Romaniuk
Editorial board H. Papakin, P. J. Potichnyj, H. Boriak, V. Lozyts’kyi, R. Pyrih, Yu. Shapoval, О. Udod, S. Kokin, M. Posivnych
Sponsors Litopys UPA
Publication Year 2013
ISBN (Canada) 978-1-897431-54-2
ISBN (Ukraine) 978-966-2105-52-0
Pages Count 1320
Hard Copy Price $35 USD

Zolochiv okruha OUN and its lower administrative rungs. They reflect the activities of this underground structure in its struggle against the agentura of the Soviet state and its punitive organs in the region. Kyiv-Toronto, 2013. Hardcover: 1320 pp. Illustrations. This book was dedicated to the memory of Mykola Kulyk – “Doroshenko” (Toronto, ON, Canada).