Litopys UPA

The website of the chronicles of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army

Volume 25. Songs of the UPA. A Collection of Songs Thematically Linked to the UPA Struggle

Editor in Chief IE. Shtendera
Co-editor in Chief P.J. Potichnyj
Editor(s) Z. Lawryshyn
Publication Year 1997
ISBN (Canada) 0-920092-23-3
Pages Count 556
Hard Copy Price $35 USD

This is a compendium of songs that were sung by UPA soldiers, melodies that were later composed in prisons and concentration camps, as well as traditional arrangements and popular compositions. The volume contains the texts of songs and their variations, as well as data on each song, including its author(s) and information on the hero or event depicted in each composition. The collection features over 600 songs or variants thereof. Toronto-Lviv, 1997. Hardcover: xxiv, 556 pp. Notes.