Litopys UPA

The website of the chronicles of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army

Volume 42. Peter J. Potichnyj. Litopys UPA – A History: Documents and Materials

Editor in Chief P.J. Potichnyj
Author P.J. Potichnyj
Publication Year 2005
ISBN (Canada) 0-920092-85-3
ISBN (Ukraine) 966-96340-4-0
Pages Count 658
Hard Copy Price $35 USD

The UPA soldiers who launched a raid into Western Europe in 1947-1949 considered it their duty to leave for posterity a lasting record of the Ukrainian liberation struggle during and after the Second World War. This came to fruition in 1974, when the Litopys UPA Publishing Company was founded. This volume features documents and materials on the day-to-day challenges faced by the Litopys UPA Publishing Company from the early years of its existence through its thirty-year-long history, including short biographies of the editorial board members, the company’s administrative personnel, editors, authors, compilers, and sponsors. Toronto-Lviv, 2005. Hardcover: 658 pp. Illustrations. The volume is dedicated to D-r MODEST RIPECKYJ the founder and the head for many years of the “Litopys UPA” publishing house.