Rostyslav Voloshyn went down in the history of the Ukrainian liberation movement as one of the first organizers of the OUN in Volyn’. Later, he headed the Rivne okruha executive of the OUN and was an active figure in student and civic circles, a member of the Bureau of the OUN Leadership, and the chairman of the Third Extraordinary Grand Assembly of the OUN and the First Founding Congress of the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council. For his patriotic activities, he was arrested numerous times by the Polish police, the NKVD, and the Germans. His detailed biography and intensive activities in the ranks of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists are recounted in this book, which is based on an extensive range of sources. The volume also features many unique photographs that are published here for the first time. Toronto-Lviv, 2012. Soft cover: 128 pp. Illustrations. This book was funded by the League of Ukrainian Canadians (Saskatoon, SK, Canada).
Book 18. Ihor Marchuk. ROSTYSLAV VOLOSHYN

Editor in Chief
P.J. Potichnyj
L. Lun'o
Department of Ukrainian Canadian League in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Publication Year
ISBN (Canada)
ISBN (Ukraine)
Pages Count
Hard Copy Price
$10 USD