This volume includes brief descriptions of the «Lysonia» UPA detachment’s skirmishes from November 1943 to August 1945, which were issued by the Military Group Command, as well as a collection of underground songs entitled Povstanskyi Stiah (The Insurgent Flag) published in 1947 on the UPA’s fifth anniversary, and other documents and materials pertaining to this UPA unit. Toronto, 1989. Hardcover: 352 pp. Illustrations. This volume was funded by Stepan Havryliuk from the USA.
Volume 12. The UPA’s 3rd Podillia Military Region «Lysonia»

Editor in Chief
IE. Shtendera
Co-editor in Chief
P.J. Potichnyj
IE. Shtendera
Stepan Havryluk
Publication Year
ISBN (Canada)
Pages Count
Hard Copy Price
$35 USD
Volume 11. The Ternopil Region: A List of Heroes of the Ukrainian Revolution Fallen in the Struggle against the Russian Bolshevik Occupying Power between March 13, 1944, and December 31, 1948
Volume 13. The Peremyshl Region—The Peremyshl Battalion. Book One: The Journal of the UPA Company Commanded by «Burlaka» (Second Lieutenant Volodymyr Shchyhelsky)